Since launching just over two years ago, we have grown rapidly, and with any company growth, a larger office just comes with it right? We had a deadline set for August 2017 which seemed near enough impossible.
There was a fantastic design team which met up regularly to get the look and feel of the building right, but although you wouldn’t think so, the process of designing 22 meeting rooms wasn’t easy. We wanted to make sure everyone felt involved in the process and the theme of the building so we conducted a survey on what people preferred, and also gave everyone the option to suggest names for the communal area in the building. The best name, The Flag, was chosen and put up in neon lights on the wall.
We wanted our new office to reflect our international identity. Each room is designed in the style of a city where our sister company, RCI Financial Services’ subsidiaries are based. It’s much easier to feel inspired on a grey Monday morning if you’re meeting in ‘Rome’, ‘Paris’ or ‘Chennai’. We wanted to make each room unique to its own individual identity, for example if you’re in Madrid what better way to feel like you’re in Madrid then having a life size Spanish guitar to play with!
We’ve incorporated fun creative spaces to fuel our imaginations, so rather than hosting a brainstorm around a board table, we now have ‘innovation rooms’ where we are free to move around and map our ideas on writeable glass.
Our employee wellbeing is a key part of our culture, so we really wanted to make sure the space was homely and welcoming. Little touches like having a large selection of teas for everyone to enjoy, loads of comfortable seating, and a quiet ‘library room’ make it feel like home, and keep us motivated.
Time flew by and before we knew it we were seeing the drawings of the new office come to life.
Since the move everyone seems happier overall. It’s so important to enjoy coming to work each morning and we believe everyone deserves to have an inspirational workplace. At just over two years old, moving to our new office was a big milestone for us, which we all worked very hard to achieve. So it’s great to be able to enjoy it and feel proud of our new home.
To celebrate our big move and the start of this new chapter, we held a ribbon cutting ceremony with our staff, a huge cake, along with a family and friends day to thank our loved ones for all of their support in helping us get to where we are today.