Why did you choose RCI Bank for your internship?
I was looking for somewhere with a good culture where I could get stuck into some real work; I didn’t want to spend six months making cups of tea. Funnily enough I actually went to school with one of last year’s interns who raved about the company’s culture and didn’t have a bad word to say about it, so I decided to apply. My internship at RCI Bank couldn’t have been further than the stereotype I was dreading. I’ve been able to get a real oversight of the business and how all the different departments work together
Where and what are you studying?
I’m studying accounting and management at Aston University in Birmingham. I’ll be heading back next September to finish off my final year.
What does a typical day look like for you?
It’s very busy and there are always things which need doing, but really no two days are the same, and that’s what I like about my job. If I had to pick out a few favourite tasks I get up to regularly, it would be updating the website, helping with rate changes and conducting data analysis to see how the bank is performing. Already in this job I have been given opportunities that I would not get from other internships such as a visit to our HQ in Paris, so it’s safe to say I haven’t been bored or glued to the photocopier.
What is the culture at RCI Bank like?
I was surprised by how friendly it was. Even though my friend (last year’s intern) told me about it, I didn’t 100% believe that a corporate office could really be that welcoming and fun, but I was proven wrong. Everyone is really busy, but they always make time to help, or point you in the right direction.
What’s the best thing you’ve done so far? What has been the most challenging?
There have been many things, but the standout moment for me had to be the first rate change, when we increased our rate on easy access accounts to 1.3 per cent, which made us the highest easy access account at the time. It was really interesting learning about the process that goes behind it, and how it’s rolled out to customers.
The most challenging aspect has been getting on top of time management. The pace of work is much faster than studying and things can crop up at any moment… And as soon as you get behind things can start to pile up! These skills will be a huge help when it comes to writing my dissertation, let alone climbing up the career ladder.
How has RCI Bank supported you at the beginning of you career?
The internship has definitely given me an insight to how a Bank works, and working life more generally. Most placements leave you on the outskirts, but here at RCI Bank I feel I am doing real work that contributes to the bigger picture. I’ve been able to develop my existing skills and been given a taste of different departments and the types of work I can do in finance.
What’s next for you?
Graduating, hopefully! I know I definitely want to pursue a career in finance, either in accountancy or portfolio or asset management as I have done work experience before RCI Bank and know I enjoy it. However, getting to understand how other departments work, such as Marketing, has really helped me to understand the business as a whole.
But in the meantime, it’s back to uni next year and after that I’ll try to get another internship to build up more industry experience.
What’s your dream job... both realistic and fantasy?
I’ve had many ‘dream jobs’ - it used to change all the time at school and at college I wanted to be a lawyer. I know I enjoy working with numbers though, so that’s why I’ve decided that I want a career in finance. Realistically, I would love to one day own my own accountancy or asset management firm. If I could have any job in the world though, no matter how unrealistic – definitely a professional footballer…