The arrival of the Easter weekend means a few things…
You’ve got a lovely long weekend to spend with your family
You can eat as much chocolate as you want
Spring is finally here (although you can never really be sure!)
However, all the things that make Easter so great (chocolate, egg hunts, or the big family roast) can add up and get a bit expensive. So, to help you relax this Easter we have compiled a handy guide on how to run your Easter weekend on a budget.
Budget for the day.
It may sound obvious but setting out a realistic budget for your Easter Weekend could help you keep control of your purse strings. Organise yourself, and make a list of everything you’ll need to pay for with a budget set aside for each item. Then be strict with yourself, and don’t blow that budget when you get to the shops!
Shop smart.
A big roast for a family of four can easily cost £100 – not to mention if the grandparents are coming over too. When it comes to the food, collect supermarket coupons, or save up your loyalty points to soften the blow. Things like buying own-brand vegetables or making your own gravy will also cut costs.
DIY decorations.
With Instagram and Pinterest, there has never been a better time to find inspiration for cost cutting creative ideas. There are tons of ideas online to get stuck into, and all you need is a trip to the craft shop or a rummage around for old fabrics or materials at home. You could even base your decoration ideas on the materials you already have to hand.
Not only will homemade decorations give a wonderful crafted feel to your Easter Weekend, but it’s a great way to keep the children busy while you’re peeling the potatoes.
Egg-cellent homemade eggs
Easter eggs can be notoriously expensive, especially when you’re buying them for the whole family. Why not buy some egg moulds online and cooking chocolate and make your eggs yourself? It’ll offer lots of chocolatey fun for the kids and your eggs will be 100% original.
Sharing is caring
And finally, for the notorious annual egg hunt, try releasing the kids in “heats” or in pairs depending on their ages. This way the big kids don’t snap up all the obvious eggs and there will be much more to go round for everyone.
There, that’s all the boring stuff done for you. Now kick back, relax, and have a wonderful Easter Weekend.