1. Clear out your closet - We’re a little hesitant to offer what might seem like a chore as an entertainment tip, but a lighter closet can feel like a weight off your shoulders. Whilst it’s sometimes hard to let things go, there’s satisfaction to be found in throwing in the towel if the spark of joy is nowhere to be found – plus, selling online is easy cash, doubling up as a chance to test your creativity.
2. Host a dinner party – Having friends over is often much cheaper than eating out and can be a fab opportunity to test out a new recipe or two. Whilst the ingredients can be costly if you’re hosting, when taking it in turns to host, it will even out in the long run. (Plus, having friends over can be a cost-effective way to fill the wine cabinet if stocks are getting low.) An extra tip: try having a pizza or potluck parties if you’re especially strapped for cash.
3. Start a book club – Joining a book club can be a lovely way to inject some routine into your social calendar, whilst encouraging some gentle critical thinking. It’s also a reason to be held accountable to finishing a book, which no doubt we all could benefit from. Skip the bookshop - libraries tend to be welcoming to book clubs’ larger orders, since proving their usage keeps the funding coming.
4. Journal – In the busy schedule of the modern netizen, there’s little room for reflection. Taking a minute, taking stock, and if necessary, taking a look in the mirror are thus three perfect activities for a rainy day. And, as our lives move deeper within the interweb, picking up a pen and handwriting your thoughts will feel like a welcome respite from the flickering blue light of an LCD. If you can’t think of anything to say, we recommend just putting your stream of consciousness down onto a page, a technique made famous by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. If you’re feeling extra creative, incorporate images and souvenirs to make a scrapbook.
5. Send a postcard – With the increased connectivity of today’s world, mail as a medium is getting lost in the post. Yet, as the medium changes, so does the format, with longer-form writing giving way to short, snappier messages which lose the careful consideration of a letter. Sending written correspondence to your friends, family, or a romantic partner(s) can be a great way to express gratitude or affection, or simply keep someone in the loop.