Could you tell us a little bit about your professional background and what made you choose RCI Bank?
I was working in our lending business during the build and launch of RCI Bank, so I saw its development from close range. I was so impressed by its success that I took the first chance I could to get involved. In April last year I was seconded into the team to review all processes and procedures and, ‘having earned my stripes’, I was offered a newly-created role of Risk Analyst. RCI Bank has been such a breath of fresh air to the savings market, and I recognised straight away that these were clearly people who know how to deliver what Britain’s savers want.
So for the uninitiated, what does a day in the life of a risk analyst involve?
It’s a broad church, but in terms of my day-to-day role it’s a case of working closely with the operations team to control and manage all aspects of risk for the bank. Many larger firms have separate departments for operational risk, credit risk, and market risk but my role touches most of these on a daily basis, so I gain exposure to a lot of areas of the business and I really thrive on that. Most importantly, though, my day always starts with a cup of tea!
How do you at RCI Bank monitor and adapt to the evolving risks of online banking, such as phishing, identity theft, and fraud?
The risks involved in banking are developing all the time and we carry out a range of tests to defend against them; unsurprisingly I’m not at liberty to divulge any details, but let’s just say we have very advanced systems in place and continually carry out rigorous tests to ensure we can protect our customers’ money.
What do you love most about your role?
I’m currently studying for my Financial Risk Manager (FRM) qualification, which has given me a holistic grounding across the spectrum of risk management so whilst I love operational risk, I’m being introduced to new areas I find just as engaging through my studies. I’m also studying at the Institute of Risk Management for a certificate in Risk Management in Financial Services, and I really value the opportunities RCI Bank has given me to further my professional development within the industry.
What are your hobbies outside of work? How do you switch off?
I switch off by going to the gym; I love seeing my friends and trying out new restaurants. I also love to travel.
Finally, tell us something about yourself that we wouldn’t know...
I grew up in Kenya until I was eleven; maybe that’s where I developed my thirst for travelling!
The views of our team members are not necessaily the views of the bank.