Why did you apply to be an intern at RCI Bank?
I’ve always had a passion for numbers and finance, and as part of my degree in Banking & Finance at Loughborough University I applied for a placement year with RCI Bank. As a start-up, I thought it would give me exposure to a far broader range of business activities than other banks and I haven’t been disappointed!
Were the staff welcoming when you arrived? Do you feel part of the team?
100%, the team is really open and inclusive; I’m here to learn and have been taken under everyone’s collective wing. Plus there’s a great team spirit, which has helped me to build really strong working relationships.
What has impressed you about the culture at RCI Bank?
The most impressive thing about RCI Bank from my perspective is the level of trust that exists between every member of the team. From the offset I have been given opportunities to be involved in valuable work for the business and even be given the chance to take ownership of numerous projects myself.
What does your internship include, and what sorts of tasks have you been completing?
We’re a small team, and my role hasn’t been limited to just one area of the business; I support everyone and everything that we do! To give an example, though, I recently managed our customer satisfaction survey, which was sent to over 60,000 customers. I’m also responsible for contributing to and pulling together our monthly management information and discussing it with the bank’s senior team. Even though it was nerve-wracking at first, having that platform and interaction with senior management has really helped me to develop.
What have you learned in your time with the bank, and what have you found the most challenging / most enjoyable?
The biggest step change for me has been making the transition from book-learning to the real world of business, and learning how to communicate with senior professionals within a more formal context than I’ve ever been in before. I’ve loved building relationships with such inspirational people, and working together to create strong results. Best of all, though, is the satisfaction you get when a project goes live and is a success.
What are the next steps for you?
I’ve been with the bank since July last year, and once I finish in June I’ll have another year of university to finish. Working here has given me an entirely new view on the industry and I know it’s one I want to build a long-term career in when I graduate.